tarot · Tarot Deck

3 Things You Must Know About the Dark Wood Tarot

1. The Dark Wood Tarot is a Shadow Tarot Deck.

Ten of Wands from the Dark Wood Tarot

The Shadow Self is a term used in analytical psychology representing the hidden and repressed parts of our personality. We stuff icky qualities, secret desires, and squirmy details we would rather not acknowledge including jealousy, anger, sexual desires, etc. into our Shadow Self.

The Dark Wood Tarot replaces traditional reversals with Shadow Meanings. Shadow Meanings are not the opposite of the card’s meaning, rather, they reflects us embodying the darkest qualities of card. Why? It creates an opportunity to examine areas of your personality you might normally skip over or ignore in a reading or in life.

Why bother? Once we acknowledge our hidden, dark (often creative and empowering) tendencies and behaviors, we become free. We stop projecting fear and desire onto others. We accept and become honest with our entire self, not just the shiny bright part, and thus become fuller and more compassionate versions of ourselves.

2. Abigail Larson is an award winning artist.

Abigail Larson had ambitions of becoming an opera singer and joining the circus while growing up, and although neither of those ended up working out too well, she has been able to find a more suitable career for herself in the world of illustration.

Her greatest inspirations are fairytales, folklore and ghost stories. The works of Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, the Brothers Grimm, and many classic gothic works of fiction, such as Dracula and Frankenstein have always stirred her imagination.

She teamed up with Universal Pictures and Desert Owl Games to create The Huntsman: Winter’s Curse, the companion game to “The Huntsman” feature film!

3. The Dark Wood Tarot is available for pre-order on Amazon or at your favorite brick and mortar bookshop.

Yes, you can pre-order books and tarot decks at your favorite metaphysical shop. What’s more, it helps keep your local merchants in business!

Can’t get to a shop? Here’s the Barnes and Noble Link!

Cast your cards well! xoxo

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